Sunday, March 16, 2025

Self-care ... immersed in nature

 While in St Luniere cricket, I relaxed ... I even let my hair down .... the vacation look! LOL

Bought some yarn and a book while in Newfoundland and did a lot of knitting. Finished two projects during my stay.

And this pattern ... a gift for my dad.

I was also able to enjoy a daily latte and my favourite treat at Cafe Nymphe - The Dark Tickle Company ... A carrot and partridge berry cake .... OMG .... Yummy! I'd go back just for a piece of cake! lol

My ride home ... what a beauty!

I would recommend visiting Newfoundland. It is such a beautiful and serene place. I will leave you with the sound of the Atlantic ocean ... Enjoy!

Take Care ... and thanks for stopping by. Cheers!

Sunday, March 9, 2025

Self-care .... Immersed in Nature

 Once I had explored the intended area, I went back to a familiar place Gros Norme National Park, a place I could rest. I enjoyed long walks on the beach ... in the rain

There were quite enjoyable, but there's only so much walking one can do in the rain ... that is .... until the humidity gets in your bones. I thought perhaps I would catch the ferry and leisurely head back home. However, there was no room on the ferry. So I did the next best thing and headed to Newfoundland's most northern part, back to where the Vikings landed.

Leifur Eiriksson, a viking settler of Newfoundland.

Historical marker.

I landed in Luniere-Griquet, a place where I felt at peace. There was also an amazing restaurant there ... The Daily Catch ... delish!

I stayed at the Pistolet Bay Provincial Park.  I made myself at home ... it was quite cozy ... so peaceful.

Thanks for stopping by ....

Saturday, March 8, 2025

Travel pause ....

As part of my degree requirement, I took a class on career, which mainly covered assessments and theories on career choices/life spans. On our last class, our lecturer had us watch a film called Idiocracy (2006), a film directed by Mike Judge.

Not sure if you've seen this film, but it is a Sci-fi comedy. Here is the link to the trailer. As I watched the film, some parts were funny but other parts frightened me. Let's face it, many of our recent accomplishments had their origin in science fiction.

The next day, I'm at a gas station filling up my car. I look across to the next pumping station and see this person, lit cigarette in their mouth, puffing away as they are filling up their vehicle with gas. It then dawned on me .... the movie I watched is not really just sci-fi but a possibility of our future. People lacking common sense and decency. 

I've been quite stressed as of late with the state of the world, which I'm sure many of you have also. I can't help but think about that movie and the direction the world is presently headed. It frightens me. Although I limit my social media access, the news still finds me, in my work and in my everyday experiences. Decency, respect, privacy and personal freedom is irroding. The cost of living has skyrocketed ... I fear for those who are already struggling financially. 

I'm not sure where we are headed, but ... from my perspective, it's not looking good. We need a miracle!

I believe in kindness .... and respect ... it's a part of who I am.

Thank you for being a reader of my blog. I appreciate you ... Namaste!

Sunday, March 2, 2025

Self-care .... immersed in nature

 I left the Eastern region and headed towards the Central region.

As you can imagine ... I did a lot of driving. Newfoundland is huge .... but oh so beautiful.

I camped a few days at Terra Nova National Park. It was wonderful to sit and enjoy nature while knitting. I bought some Briggs & Little yarn that had been hand dyed and starting working on a hat ... a Newfoundland souvenir.

A girl could get used to this life. I wrote a bit on another post about my camping set up. I kind of like the simplicity of it. A good coffee in the morning is all I ask for! ;)

From Terra Nova National Park I visited the Long Point light house.

Quite a unique place. Unfortunately, the museum was closed.

The view from Crow Head was beautiful.

Exploring is such a treat for me. I'm not one to plan much ... I sort of like the surprise of finding unique places.  

I left Terra Nova National Park and headed for Dildo Run Provincial park. Yes, there is a town called Dildo.

 They have this amazing brewery ... Dildo Brewing Co. Had a wonderful meal there. Yes, I paid close attention to where I would eat. 

A fun activity I took on was to explore various local breweries, enjoying their cuisine and products. My favourite son in law enjoys a local beer, so it was a great way for me to collect samples from various breweries that he could enjoy with family and friends. On my first trip I only visited one .... on this trip my goal was to visit as many local breweries as possible as well as enjoy as many wonderful meals. 

To be continued ...

Thanks for stopping by ... Cheers!

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Self-care ... immersed in nature .... continued

 Exploring Newfoundland was therapeutic for me. I miss my mom so much. Grieving is a funny thing ... one day you're fine and the next thing you know you're crying, missing a loved one so much. I am taking time to honour the healing journey.

I drove through Bay de Verde.

A typical Newfoundland village centered around the fishing industry.

Found this cute chicken coop - Small white building and on the side it says .... Cluckingham Palace ... How cute is that?! lol

I left Avalon and headed to the Eastern section of Newfoundland.

Stopped in Bonivista. As I walked on the boardwalk I spotted a Jelly fish. It was a gorgeous but windy day.

It's so graceful. I enjoyed exploring Bonavista and getting lost in its beauty. 

To be continued ...

Thanks for stopping by! Cheers!
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